It was one sentence, one phrase, that changed my business, changed my life and it can change yours too. One of my first bosses, told me, “Amy, I have seen good sales people before, but I have never seen anybody who loves sales as much as you.” I loved sales, and I loved serving my clients, but I undersold myself, because I didn’t have an understanding of the immense value my clients were taking away.
Amy served in sales for over 35 years, where she discovered her intuative and unique way of engaging hearts.
In order to reach more hearts, to change more lives, and to assist in the bridging of the gap between business stress and business profits, Amy founded her speaking company. She passionately shares how to increase your profit and create more loyal customers through the application of her sales system, Walk in Your Value™.
- Define Your Value
- Define the Value your clients want
- Communicate that Value to your client
- Stop discounting
- Sell at higher prices
- she will show you how shifting your focus will Increase profits
She works with ambitious business owners, growing churches, professionals, entrepreneurs, individuals, and , on the art increasing profit by , connecting, retaining their clients and growing closer to their loved ones.
There I was, standing on stage after my keynote presentation. And there they were, up from their seats, standing in front of me, “to make that shift in their belief systems.”
“My life will never be the same,” says one lady, weeping in my arms. Another says, “I will always remember this, I am changed.” A man tells me, “My life is now different and I WILL respond instead of react.”
Why do her clients, have so many successes? And how is it that they have influenced so many people? It’s because her heart’s work, is naturally focused on other people’s success. And, the process she has to offer, walks you through the process it takes to start enjoying your dreams and desires. She takes you from where you are, to where you want to be.
- will bring you to your own greater truth and purpose.
About Amy, Bob Burg says:
“In my work as an author and speaker, I travel throughout the continent and meet many business owners… A number of them are exceptional examples of leadership, encouragement and providing value to everyone around them: both customers and employees. I cannot think of anyone I would rate higher in any of those categories, however, than I would Amy Wells.“
Education, Training and Certifications:
2009 Graduated from San Antonio College with Associates, in both Science and Art.

The John Maxwell Team: Certified in Coaching, Speaking and Teaching. Selected to serve on the first Maxwell Presidents Advisory Council. (Current member of JMT.)
Toast Masters International (Current Member)
“Amy Wells’ speech titled, “My Name Is Amy Wells” Had her audience spellbound, by the access to her heart, the mentoring, resolutions and the development of a ‘giving’ occupation. One powerful lesson that everyone will remember is, “SILENCE MAKES A SOUND.”
Al Swab
President Toast Masters SADD
“Amy is a great coach. She guided me through a moment in my life where I was starting my business and finishing a 15 year relationship with a corporation. She helped me see new opportunities, and helped me gain the confidence I needed to follow them. Working with her was wonderful. She has a kind heart, and she helped me stretch, to overcome fears that were holding me back from pursuing my most cherished dreams and aspirations.
During the time I worked with Amy as my coach, I gained a new level of confidence and faith in my own strengths and abilities. This allowed me to enter into a new stage in my life as a business owner. I will forever be indebted to her for the success I am experiencing in my life now.”
Jessica Calderon
Industrial Engineer MBA and Business Owner
Grupo Calderón
*****************************************************************************************************************”Absolutely the best experience ever. Everything was perfect from time we walked in the door. Walked out the door having a new best friend named Amy. God is sooo good.”
**************************************************************************************************Dear Amy, I just want to express my appreciation to you for understanding how I found myself needing your professional help. What a blessing to be referred to such a kind, considerate, helpful coach. Thank you so much for coming to my aid. In the future, you will be a big part of my thoughts and some of the miracles I talk about.
Thank you, Sylvia Stephan
Working with Amy has become a family tradition for us. Amy helped my cousin 17 years ago, so I knew then, when I was 10 years old, that I wanted to go back there.
My sister and cousin had an excellent experience, and she made us feel so good. It felt good to know that I am now getting that same experience.
My whole famiy and several of our friends will tell everybody we know about Amy.
“I have had the extraordinary opportunity to be cared for by Amy Wells on 2 different occasions that span almost a decade. The first time was in the early 2000s. I was young and found myself uprooting my entire life to get married. The wedding became larger and larger, and Amy became, not only the woman who helped me find me dress , veil, and 9 bridesmaids dresses, but my confidant as well. At that time, she had an amazing young woman named Elizabeth working with her that made the experience that much more enjoyable. Being around her was a calming experience. It was as if all of my worries disappeared when I walked into the Bridal Salon of San Antonio. She had a light that surrounded her, and that light, pulled people in. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and I couldn’t help but get excited every time I was around her.
Flash forward 7 years. I was a single mother of 2 adorable little girls who were only 11 months apart. Struggling to care for them while keeping some shred of sanity, I was blessed to find the love of my life. I was nervous to go back to the Bridal Salon of San Antonio because, this time my budget was 1/4 of what it was the first time and I felt like it would be awkward to share, what I considered was my past failure. The moment I walked into the doors with my mother, all of that changed. Amy greeted us with the biggest smile ever and gave me such a tight hug that, for a second time, all of my worries melted away. She made me feel like a million dollars and treated me like family even though she hadn’t seen either of us in all of that time. We began trying on dresses, but again, I was having a hard time because my taste and my budget didn’t match up. I jokingly looked at, what can only be described as the perfect dress on the showroom floor, and Amy saw me oggling it. She insisted that I try it on. After having a brief heart attack when the price tag reared its ugly face, Amy still insisted I try it on. I explained to her that it was way out of budget, and she gave me that mega watt smile and told me to just try it on.
When I put that dress on, I can’t explain how amazing I felt. In fact, I did actually bounce up and down all the way out to the large mirrors. Everyone agreed that this dress was meant for me. The only issue was the price. Then….Amy gave me the most amazing gift of all. She told me that I needed that dress and not to worry about the price, she would make it fit my budget. I couldn’t believe it. Not only did I have my dream man, but I had my dream dress as well. Amy didn’t have to do that. I would have found another beautiful dress, but she went above and beyond to help make my dream day come true. It wasn’t even about the dress that made me feel so amazing. It was that someone who hadn’t seen me in almost a decade did something so selfless and amazing. She has one of the biggest hearts around. During my following fittings, my 2 little girls came with me. The girls hugged Amy as soon as they saw her. It’s as if they could sense what a warm and loving person she was (of course it could be that I had talked about her non stop). She treated them with a lot more patience than I did. My ramblings of “don’t touch” were met with Amy’s insistence that everything was ok. Everything was ok…..that is how I feel every time I get the opportunity to see Amy. Even reading her blog post is sometimes all I need to feel better and smile. I realize this was rather long, but I found it impossible to try and describe the effect Amy has on other’s in just one paragraph. In fact , I have a few more pages in me, but will spare you the reading and re-iterate that God puts certain people on the earth to bring light and love to everyone and Amy is most definitely one of those people.”
Karen Wyatt